Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Novel is finished and ready for publisher!

Hi all,

Yes, I changed the name to SINNER FROM THE SOUTH. I had the original title out there so long, THE AVE MARIA DIARIES. I had many very polite rejection letters from agents and publishers, but that wasn't good enough for me.

I felt a need to have my novel published. It was for me like planting a seed. You don't wait for permission, you just go outside, dig a hole and plant the seed and watch the plant grow. That is why I chose Print on Demand (POD) publishing. You can go to and purchase the book, wait a few weeks. Or contact me directly here on my blog and order it from me.

I am planning to tour the south this summer and promote my novel by doing signings at local book stores. I hope to come to your city! Just keep me posted if you are interested. You can always contact me here or at

Keep reading!
Alabama Jane Brown