Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life and beyond on a Wednesday

I have depression and anxiety and melancholic tendencies that are with me always. I do not know my brain. I wish it were a map nailed to a wall inside my house so I could study it and look at it daily and figure out ways to get there from here to back again to happiness. I know happiness is there, like a small beautiful village with window boxes spilling out with geraniums in some perfect red with a tint of pink and violet. I have been to that place inside my brain on different days and I can still smell it and know it exists, however, the sadness and depression of being in this moment always seems to push that place farther and farther away from me until I fear one day I won't be able to go there at all.

My daughter's "husband" left her this week alone with three small children, they are door steps, 6.4.2, angels the three of them. I want to rescue her and the children and make a perfect village of hope for her, but somehow I know she must pass through this time and this challenge to grow and learn lessons life throws at us. Life is like that.

I have dreamt of walking on the backs of sea turtles among turquoise water holding the hands of my children, walking farther and farther into the blue, clear water of hope. I pray we will reach the other side and be happy again.

Be safe.
Love the ones you are blessed to have.