Monday, October 22, 2007

My writing

Thanks for checking out what is happening in Alabama's world.
I am finishing my novella's, under the title of "Tales From A Nightingale", the novellas are:
The Ave Maria Diaries and The Southern Cross--they are both stories of social injustice and redemption. How appropriate for this time in our world. We need a revolution, but we need a leader first to make it happen. Who will anwer the call?

My other novel is tentatively called, "Check Smith's Private Oz and The Ghost Whisper's Shirt", it too is based on actual facts of social and political injustice, but with a different voice. I am really having fun writing this one. Michael Neff with webdelsol was kind enough to publish the first chapter on his wonderful site, delsolreview.

Poem for the day:

Today there is no sun. The amber leaves reach for nothing.
Tipped with gold on their own, they must rely on nature's way
To acheive what color they hold.
I want to run naked to the lake and jump in. I want the chocolate water
To bathe away these October blues I have inside my head.
I want it to snow, rain or bleed turtles from the sky.
I want a revolution. I want justice. I want a lover who will understand
My colors and paint me red tonight.
Tomorrow I want the same.


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