Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where did the fireflys go?

Summer is almost over and it seems as if we had no nights to gather under porch lamps and watch the fireflys make their way through the stand of trees before the lake. I miss my childhood. I miss playing outside until dark and hearing my Mother's voice strain against the rise and fall of traffic and compete with the other Mother's own calls for bedtime.

I loved hiding out, and pretending I was in Africa or a jungle. I loved watching the fireflys and wanted to understand their magic. We would catch them and somehow press them into our skin on our 'ring' finger and pretend we had a diamond ring, for a second if we were lucky. I can not believe I ever killed a firefly. Now I watch for them and it seems as in all good things they are becoming harder and harder to see. I would collect them for my children and put them into Bell Jars and light up the porch on summer nights and then before bed we would release them into the heavens for a second night.

Let us all remember something magical tonight. Let us all remember good things. Put our troubles behind us and bravely march into tomorrow with hope of things to come. Maybe fireflys will light the way tonight as we sleep. Maybe.

I am sad Dominick Donne has died and Teddy Kennedy all in one day like Farrah and Michael. We are all getting there sooner than later.
God Bless their souls.

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