Friday, March 26, 2010

Novel out the door.

Today I gained the courage to send my novel, HAIL MARY! THE AVE MARIA DIARIES, to Ms. Ellen Levine.

What an interesting day too.
On this day, Tennessee Williams was born along with many other Literary greats, my favorite poet, Robert Frost and it is the day set aside to honor the Arch Angel Gabriel, who was the guardian of Mary, Mother of God, while she lived on earth! How amazing that I would choose this as the day to send off the novel. I took the name Alabama of course after Tennessee and the novel is in fact based on Mary and her powers and of course the fictional part is all about seeking redemption which was the basis for many of Tennessee's plays.

So..............with a wing and a prayer I send my novel to be judged and I pray Ms. Levine likes it enough to find a publisher.

Today the sun can not decide what to do, yet again, clouds reign.

Thanks, friends for stopping by.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Congratulations! I can only guess that sending one's novel to an agent is the hardest step.

Tennessee and I were born in Columbus, Mississippi. His homeplace is now Columbus's Welcome Center. I posted a photo of his two homes on 4/5/09, if you are interested:

I hope you have a good weekend!